Tuesday, April 30, 2019

From Basic to Beyond, Samsung Electronics

Who would have thought a company that started out in 1938, by a man named Byung-Chull Lee, exporting dried fish, vegetables, fruits, flours, and sugars, would become one of the top 5 electronic companies in the world. Samsung, a Korean manufacturer has grown tremendously over the years. Samsung Electronics was founded in 1969.
Samsung continued to add different marketing products through the 1970's such as chemical, petrochemical products as well as textiles and ship building. They were creating many different that specialized in certain products. The 70's also included a boost in Samsung Electronics. They began exporting color televisions, and marketed $100 billion in exports.
During the next 20 years Samsung added Samsung Aerospace Industries, focusing on space stations, and space facilities located on the moon, and Samsung Data Systems dedicating itself on information technology. They also merged several of the individual companies they created into one, creating the "Second Foundation", and making the company one of the top five electronic companies in the world.
Some of the products that are made by Samsung focusing on the computer and peripheral areas are: monitors, hard disk drives, optical disk drives, mobile PC's, cameras, mobile phones, Mp3 players and many more. On the business side of manufacturing Samsung products include: LCD panels, IT products, set top boxes, fiber optics, professional audio and video equipment, CCTV, and business telephone systems.
Today Samsung is known as being one of the top ten for US patents issued and thirteen products are rated #1 in the market share for their category in the world.
Nanette Aniston is an authority in PC troubleshooting at http://www.pc-error-repair.org
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About Shabbir Ahmad :

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